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trshooter last won the day on 28 November 2024

trshooter had the most liked content!

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    6mmBR, .22, .308

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  1. Still looking for an old Swing. Doesn't even need to have much rifling left in the barrel!
  2. Yes exactly! Thanks Tim.
  3. Looking for a mid-90s Anschutz catalogue with reference to the 3007/3013. Thanks in advance.
  4. Does anyone have an old Walther rubber buttplate and spacers from the KKM/KK-UIT era of rifles? It's the one that attaches by a dovetail mechanism. Thanks.
  5. Hi all, I'm looking for a Swing M4/M5 or other fullbore target rifle for a low budget that isn't a Mauser based action. Preferably with a rearsight. Thanks.
  6. I have an Anschutz forend extension/palm rest going spare. Might be good for making prone stocks slightly friendlier for shorter arms or 3P £30+pp
  7. I’ll also take a Coopermatch Palmamaster if anyone has one and wants to move it on.
  8. Still available. All reasonable offers accepted.
  9. Still available if anyone fancies taking up Match Rifle. Not so suitable for 50m any sights unfortunately as the minimum focus is 100yd iirc. Make me an offer.
  10. All still available.
  11. Sorry, it's now sold.
  12. Still looking
  13. Looking for a second hand Esprit Carabine or GE600 stock. Cheers.
  14. A generic thumbscrew on ebay would do the job. Possibly M8 or M10? Keppeler is something like that and has a very similar mechanism - possibly one inspired the other.
  15. Hi Tim, Sorry it's not exactly what you're looking for, but if your RPA is the newer type and you haven't been able to find a genuine Kelly one, would an older RPA trigger be an ok compromise? The dovetail was quite stripped and I then filed it out to make it fit a different trigger, but I found the correct one and no longer need it. AI triggers also use dovetails if their factory option is more curved than your current one - available from Sporting Services. It's free for you to have if you want to try it.
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