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  1. Thanks
    iainfm got a reaction from Bing in Freeland Twiddly thing.....   
    The one I had is spoken for, sorry. I'll have a rummage and see if there's another, but I don't recall seeing one.
    They do seem pretty easy to make though - Colin's method above sounds like it'd to the trick!
  2. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from Buz1440 in Freeland Twiddly thing.....   
    Is it this you're after? Found one amongst an ex-member's kit. 

  3. Like
    iainfm reacted to Rutland Shooter in 25Y .22 scoring gauges   
    The 80 degree angle is only specified for Air Rifle and Pistol, no mention of a similar specification for smallbore rifle.
  4. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from Colin in 25Y .22 scoring gauges   
    Having said all that, they emailed right back so I've ordered one. Thanks all! 
  5. Like
    iainfm reacted to Colin in 25Y .22 scoring gauges   
    I had an update from the LRC this morning, they do have 25 yards gauges in stock
  6. Like
    iainfm reacted to Rutland Shooter in 25Y .22 scoring gauges   
    I would try the competitions department and explain your problem. You could then remind them of:
    Then offer to manufacture your own if they can't come up with a solution.
    Electronic "gauging" is nothing new, the 156 DISAG RM IV target scoring machine or its predecessors have been around for 40 years. A few years ago, I saw a method that employed a flat bed scanner to produce an image that could be emailed and then scored by software. I seem to recall that the issue was achieving a satisfactory standard and quality of image rather than the scoring process. However in these days of EST, is it worth the effort?
  7. Like
    iainfm reacted to Rutland Shooter in 25Y .22 scoring gauges   
    @iainfm You “should” be able to get a 25 yard gauge from the NSRA, it is a very basic item and I would have thought they would be able to supply one. As for graduated gauges they have all but disappeared from use. IIRC there is only one occasion mentioned in the NSRA Rules where they are used*. Some local and county leagues still mention them in their regulations but as far as I’m aware, graduated gauge sets haven’t been produced for years. Anyone who has a set is likely to be holding onto them.
    I believe this rule dates from 2002 which explains the scarcity of graduated gauges today.
  8. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from John Tracey in Electronic scoring system wanted   
    Don't know if it's any good to you, but there's an open-source, build-it-yourseld one available: https://free-e-target.com/
  9. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from SDHarris in Stock Clearance - A Lot of Items for Sale   
    Could I have the Ways of the Rifle book please? I'll contact dbeerewaldram@outlook.com 😊
  10. Like
    iainfm reacted to jonty in WANTED- Anschutz wooden stock butt adjusting wheel   
    Thats a really good idea Iain.
    I can get the thread size pitch and diameter from the rod the wheel fits on. I am  going to measure one up on a colleagues rifle. I will then see if I can obtain one on the internet. Failing that, either adapt something or as a last resort have one made to the dimensions I will have obtained.
    Obviously, if someone has an original one, that is my fist option.
    Thank You  
  11. Like
    iainfm reacted to RobinC in Walther butt plate rods and nut   
    Thanks Iain
    Yes, well on the mend thanks, I made things for very many years with hand tools, and a Wolf Sapphire that I had for my 21st birthday,  ahem... just a few years ago now, its deeply satisfying.
    I do the same things now with a lathe and a mill, just easier and quicker! 
    If you have any problems let me know, I'm now allowed back in my workshop! 
    Have Fun
  12. Like
    iainfm reacted to RobinC in Walther butt plate rods and nut   
    Few about as any spare are snapped up by the 3P people!
    BUT, when I built my KK 500 stocked rifle with a .223 Rem action for 300  mt  I made my own rods in the same size material  but to handle full bore recoil, and mounted more locked into the butt plate,  sadly the originals have already gone to a new home, but it was quite simple and if you are interested in making some I can probably find where I got the materials from, silver steel rods, and stainless threaded rod (may have some, but don't think so?), if you make them then they can be any length you wanted, I also made an adjuster wheel.  
    I'm now recovering from an illness so I can't make some for you, but it was quite simple, and have pics and can tell you how and where to get the materials from.  emails me on robin.carter80@ntlworld.com
    Have Fun
  13. Like
    iainfm reacted to jonty in Scope/stand valuations   
    Hi Iainfm,
    Have a look on ebay, Scopes come up on there all the time. These smaller ones are not so popular. The Opticron I would think is worth £50-70. The other small one, donate it to the club. The Kowa, dont know, people like them, but not me. I would have thought £70 plus, but as I say, I dont watch then cos I dont like them.
    The Freeland stand I would think is worth £100 plus, the other one, I dont know, but Im sure someone would buy it. auction it on ebay.
    Another thing about the scopes is what the lens are like. Are they clear and not dirty, foggy or damaged. You will need to give this info.
    Hope this gives you some guidance, but remember, this is just my opinion, other opinions may vary!
  14. Like
    iainfm reacted to Trident in Scope/stand valuations   
    The Kowa is worth a lot more than £70.
  15. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from Buz1440 in Varga Merkur shooting frame   
    I also have for sale my Varga Merkur shooting frame. I bought it reduced from Intershoot as there was no box with it. I tried them once, but found I preferred the monoframe attached to the sights, so these have been surplus to requirements ever since. Lens size is the larger (37mm) variant (no lenses included), with blinder.
    Looking for £60 ono including shipping within the UK.
    Thanks for looking,

  16. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from Buz1440 in [SOLD] Champion Shooting Frame   
    I'm having a pre-flit clear out, and have a couple of shooting frames to offer. I don't know much about these ones; they came with the rifle I bought from a deceased club member. They're probably quite old, come in a 'Champion' box (so I can only assume they're Champion brand'), and take 23mm diameter lenses.
    Not sure what to ask, so I'll say £80 £60 to include postage within the UK.
    Thanks for looking,

  17. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from Buz1440 in Free - A1 Heinz Reinkemeier Prone Posters x5   
    I do a bit of IT work for my local printers now and again, and to save the b-ache of additional income I asked them to print me some copies of the poster below.
    It's in English at A1 size (unlaminated). I've given a copy to my club already so I have 5 going spare.
    If anyone wants one they can have it for the cost of P&P. I can get 5 A1 mailing tubes off Amazon for £12 (so £2.40 a tube) and it looks like postage is going to be £4.79 using the Tracked 48 service. Total estimated P&P is therefore £7.19.
    Alternatively I'm in Dumbarton most of the time, Greenock Tuesdays and Alloa occasionally if anyone wants to collect.

  18. Like
    iainfm reacted to neil in Remain Vigilant   
    Hi all,

    There's been someone who has joined the forum on what I believe is more than one occasion, filling out their profile with plausible info and posting enough to activate the PM facility but then acting suspiciously with other members.
    The latest example claimed to be from Bedford RC in their profile but then told other members different stories when trying to sell them things.

    We noticed that in one day, this individual had come on to the site via 20 different IP addresses, and not even from a reputable VPN provider but by what looked to be compromised devices of unsuspecting individuals.

    All we can really say is that if someone is offering something that appears too good to be true, it probably is and suggest that you exercise caution. If in doubt, reach out and we'll look at some patterns behind the scenes.

    All the best, and thanks for using the forum responsibly
  19. Like
    iainfm reacted to Racingt in Free - A1 Heinz Reinkemeier Prone Posters x5   
    Thank you!
  20. Thanks
    iainfm got a reaction from greenster in Free - A1 Heinz Reinkemeier Prone Posters x5   
    Tubes locked and loaded. Will be collected tomorrow, with Tracked 48 delivery estimated for Saturday.
  21. Like
    iainfm reacted to RobertBeard in Free - A1 Heinz Reinkemeier Prone Posters x5   
    I’d like one of those for our club please?
  22. Like
    iainfm reacted to Mahinda in Free - A1 Heinz Reinkemeier Prone Posters x5   
    I'd love to grab one for my club. I'll PM you in a moment...
  23. Like
    iainfm reacted to trshooter in Foresight / tunnel for Anschutz 1907   
    I have a 22mm Centra Duo-Glas that would fit. 
  24. Like
    iainfm got a reaction from Markvulture in Gehmann 575-579-0   
    Thanks - something like the Gehmann Optical 530 would do me - https://www.intershoot.co.uk/product/gehmann-optical-530/
    Best wishes,
  25. Thanks
    iainfm reacted to dog box in Holme Prone Rifle Jacket   
    The one i have for sale is a Euro 58....it is similar to the basic shultz jacket that intershoot sell { i have a suspicion they could be made by the same factory } therefore try sizing gude on intershoot
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