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    10x got a reaction from Colin in Level Bars   
    Hello Colin
    No, not able to get one and no one has any stock. Only seems to be stocked in Europe.....
    I assumed that a male thread was on the other side that you cannot see, Also think that the pointers looked a
    bit vulnerable to damage...
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    10x got a reaction from chunter177 in Anschutz 18 or 19 series firing pin and firing pin spring   
    Not sure if you only want 2nd hand, But new at Intershoot....https://www.intershoot.co.uk/product/anschutz-firing-pin-spring-assembly-1807-12/
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    10x got a reaction from bruce in Anschutz 18 or 19 series firing pin and firing pin spring   
    Not sure if you only want 2nd hand, But new at Intershoot....https://www.intershoot.co.uk/product/anschutz-firing-pin-spring-assembly-1807-12/
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    10x got a reaction from Rutland Shooter in Anschutz 9015 in MEC Mark 1 stock for sale   
    PM sent...
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    10x reacted to neil in Member's "reputation"   
    As some of you may or may not have noticed, one of the newer features in the forum is the ability to promote/demote a user's reputation by click on the little green + or red - icons () at the bottom right hand corner of a post.
    I noticed that members in some groups were able to use the feature and others not. All shooting members should now be able to use this feature, if not then please let me know.
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