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10x last won the day on 13 September 2024

10x had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Mersea Island

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  1. Hello Nick

    I have one for £30 posted if you want....It has the collar to take perpex elements as well...This is 18mm.

    If you have whatsapp i can send you some pictures....

    Regards Adrian...

  2. The NSRA will sell small amounts, normally in batches of 100. Just ask...
  3. 10x

    Head-space gaugues

  4. 10x

    Head-space gaugues

    Barry Nesom makes and sells sets..
  5. What rifle do you want it for?
  6. 10x

    Level Bars

    Hello Colin No, not able to get one and no one has any stock. Only seems to be stocked in Europe..... I assumed that a male thread was on the other side that you cannot see, Also think that the pointers looked a bit vulnerable to damage...
  7. https://www.facebook.com/andrew.lawrence.5682944
  8. "He looked to be about 200 years old, as did his rifle." I am not sure John would agree with you.... Have a Merry Christmas...
  9. This may be of interest to you.... https://www.stegough.com/nsra-benchrest-scoring-bench-rest-targets-x-ring-and-10-ring-examples-2510br-18/ Looks like none of the NSRA links work....
  10. Have you checked stock at the NSRA lately? They now have stock, received 2 benchrest gauges Thursday this week.... https://www.nsrashop.co.uk/collections/scoring/products/25brx-25yard-bench-rest-gauge
  11. Not sure if you only want 2nd hand, But new at Intershoot....https://www.intershoot.co.uk/product/anschutz-firing-pin-spring-assembly-1807-12/
  12. 10x

    Level Bars

    Hello All Possibly a long shot as none of the local dealers have any listed. I am after a MEC 19940020 in 18mm. https://www.mec-shot.de/en/products/sights/tunnels/front-sight-tunnel-accessories/level-and-canting-aids/arthor/
  13. We have a few different benchs at the club for members and some members have made their own, but i am afraid "collapsible" and "doesn't have any movement" do not go together...
  14. PM sent...
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